Samstag, 16. Februar 2013

Harley Quinn Scetches

Scans from my Scetchbook.
Ohmygod, pencil looks so wrong after scanning ö_ö
Well but yes, Harley Quin from Batman. I just love her character design. And she´s a good practice for body-studies : D It was fun to draw her in those poses...
I made many more like these, but was too lazy to scan them all. : P

Donnerstag, 14. Februar 2013


I just love the 5th Gen of Pokémon...

 Digital Scetch versus Traditional Aceo.
Echnatoll, done for a contest of creepy Pokémon.
Uuuhhhhh : D

Dienstag, 12. Februar 2013

A scetch for an Environment workshop that I participated. Was fun.. but I never finished  it.

First come...

So here comes the first scetch of mine.
I started this one years ago, found the lines last week and started to color it.
Obviously not finished yet.

Sonntag, 10. Februar 2013

The first time.

Tada here´s a blog.
Have no idea what to do with it yet. But who cares.
I have a blog now : D
Maybe I start sharing scetches and artworks like all the other brilliant artists do out there.
Not sure if anybody would like to see but why not...